Legendary musician Bob Dylan is lending a helping hand to the next generation of songwriters through a collaboration between The Bob Dylan Center and Universal Music Publishing Group (UMPG). The result? The Bob Dylan Center Songwriter Fellowship, a remarkable...
In a groundbreaking decision, a federal court in Washington, DC, has determined that art generated solely by artificial intelligence (AI) lacks the necessary human authorship to be eligible for copyright protection under US law. The case arose when Stephen Thaler, the...
Warner Chappell Music and The Warren Brothers’ Brad and Brett Warren have made an exciting collaboration, welcoming Jet Harvey into their fold through a global publishing agreement. Hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, Jet Harvey played a significant role in...
Simon Cowell, known for his role as a candid judge on music reality shows, is teaming up with Universal Music Group (UMG) to establish a new music publishing company. Cowell’s company, Syco Entertainment, is partnering with UMG’s Universal Music Publishing...
Tom Becci, an experienced figure in the music industry, has been named the Chief Executive of Concord Label Group, a newly established position. Beginning August 14th, Becci will oversee Concord’s global recorded music operations, including both frontline labels...
Nashville-based music firm BACK BLOCKS MUSIC has welcomed two new members to its team: Autumn Ledgin as Sr./Director A&R and Elizabeth Cook as Creative Coordinator. Ledgin, who previously worked at GOOD COMPANY ENTERTAINMENT, brings experience in artist management...